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Openfind Enterprise Search

  • Адрес сайта: http://www.openfind.com/oes/
  • Размер файла: 8595
  • Версия: 1.0.7
  • Совместимость: Windows XP, Windows 2000
  • Размещено: 12.05.2006 00:00


Openfind Enterprise Search (OES) is designed for easy installation and simple configuration, allows setting up intranet document search and Internet website search in minutes. OES free edition allows 2 indices and up to 10,000 documents per index. Openfind Enterprise Search (OES) is designed for easy installation and simple configuration, allows setting up intranet document search and Internet website search in minutes. With multi-lingual search capability, OES can deal with double bytes as well as single bytes contents. It supports mostly general file types, like web page, Microsoft Office file, Adobe PDF file, plain-text file, compressed file, multi-media file, and filename search as well. Moreover, OES also provides many useful functions to reduce the maintenance effort, like index/schedule management, real-time index progress and summary/detail report, etc. OES free edition allows 2 indices and up to 10,000 documents per index.

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