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iNetFormFiller Enterprise by SoftInform released

Без рубрики 08.07.2005

iNetFormFiller Enterprise is a flexible system for automatic filling of forms with support of batch-processing that will dramatically cut down the time and efforts you spend on filling the same forms with identical data.
The assortment of Internet-oriented software produced by the SoftInform company has been enriched with an application that automatically fills in Web forms — iNetFormFiller Enterprise.

iNetFormFiller Enterprise is a corporate version of a well-known application for automatic filling of forms, iNetFormFiller 2.8. The main difference of the corporate version is that it supports third-party data sources when processing information. This enables repeated filling of Web forms with various information at minimum time expenditure.
The Enterprise version features transfer to a system of plug-ins (libraries) that allows supporting virtually any data sources (in the Professional version you could only work with a special text format .csv). The standard iNetFormFiller Enterprise delivery package includes both a support plug-in for .csv format support and a Software Development Kit with the help of which you can create libraries for connecting to any third-party data sources. In addition, the SoftInform company is planning on enhancing the standard delivery package of the application with new plug-ins.
iNetFormFiller Enterprise is a flexible system for automatic filling of forms with support of batch-processing that will dramatically cut down the time and efforts you spend on filling the same forms with identical data.

The cost of iNetFormFiller Enterprise is $299.

You can find more information on the company site http://www.inetformfiller.com/site/ru/

If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]

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