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Dispatch of announcements became more conveniently and more quickly.

Без рубрики 29.09.2005

Software products from company Good Idea! Promotion, promotion and monitoring of a site. Dispatch of announcements on free-of-charge bulletin boards of a Runet. Dispatch of announcements became more conveniently and more quickly owing to the new tool of dispatch of announcements Add2Board Lite, from founders of the popular program for promotion of site AddSite. Advertising through bulletin boards, is very effective and economic, but process long and labour-consuming, it was considered by developers at creation Add2Board Lite. Add2Board Lite — the program focused on the Russian Internet in which database contains over 500 free-of-charge bulletin boards. The program itself will load the form of accommodation of the information and will intellectually fill all fields. The user needs to check up only correctness of filling and to press button » Send «. Function of reception of the report, available in the program, will allow to lead the analysis of the received results. As it is possible to keep a pattern of submission of the announcement that will help to reduce time of dispatch of the announcement next time. If the resource has an opportunity of search on a site Add2Board Lite can carry out and this function. Here that not the full list of opportunities of program Add2Board Lite. As shows an expert, after dispatch of the announcement there is a powerful increase in an index of citing and as the result raises relevance of a site (on which the placed information) in results of search such поисковиков as Yandex, Rambler, Google, etc. refers.
Attendance of a target audience on a site raises. Shortly expects issue Add2Board Pro — the professional version of the program which will have completely automatic function of dispatch of announcements.
The additional information.
Company Good Idea! Promotion and the control of a site, automatic dispatch of announcements and resources, statistics — http: // www.promo-soft.ru, [email protected]. Add2Board — http: // www.add2board.ru, [email protected]. AddSite — http: // www.addsite.ru, [email protected].

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