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iKnow Process Scanner — get a full information about the processes running on yo

Без рубрики 14.12.2005

iKNOW PROCESS SCANNER is a free effective tool for getting information on running processes that you can encounter in Windows. With it’s intuitive interface, user can get the information about almost any process with just a couple mouse clicks. Wealthtech Co. announced the release of the iKNOW PROCESS SCANNER, integrated with a powerful online database of Windows’ processes. iKNOW PROCESS SCANNER is a free effective tool for getting information on running processes that you can encounter in Windows. With it’s intuitive interface, user can get the information about almost any process with just a couple mouse clicks.

It’s not a secret that today even the best antivirus software cannot find 100% of harmful programs. About 20% of such programs remain undetected. Even a single virus may be enough to corrupt some of your important files. So, is there any hope for an average Joe User, when even the biggest giants of antivirus industry can not cope with the rate of the problem? There certainly is! You should simply stay alert and know what’s going on inside your PC!

With the help of iKNOW PROCESS SCANNER you will always be aware of what’s going on in your system! iKNOW PROCESS SCANNER was made with a security in mind. It allows to automatically search for suspicious processes. Just by a single mouse click user can get a list of processes with everything suspicious or dangerous clearly marked. A great feature is a process launch history. If there is a new process in your system and you are absolutely sure that you did not install any new software recently, there is a high probability that you’ve got some sort of spyware running. And you will be able to detect it in just a second. The process database is updated daily and the program is absolutely free for use!

Detailed information about iKNOW PROCESS SCANNER can be found on the official site www.iknowprocess.com

If you have any questions or suggestions please don`t hesitate to contact [email protected].

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