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Integration for the Sake of Development Searching Similar Documents from SoftI

Без рубрики 20.06.2006

The authorized representative office of Hummingbird Ltd. in Russia, CIA and the Baltic countries together with the SoftInform Company announces the integration of the Hummingbird DM module with the unique technology developed by the SoftInform, a system for searching documents with content similar to query The authorized representative office of Hummingbird Ltd. in Russia, CIA and the Baltic countries together with the SoftInform Company (SoftInform Search Technology) announces the integration of the Hummingbird DM module with the unique technology developed by the Russian company SoftInform, a system for searching documents with content similar to query. This project has been initiated by the official partner of Hummingbird in Russia, the White Wind Company.

“The Hummingbird Company has always been pressing toward perfection of its software by introducing new forward-looking technologies. It is the wide range of abilities in the feature laden products DM and Hummingbird that enable companies to use their cumulative knowledge and manage corporate information. As official partners of Hummingbird, we perfectly understand that the success of a business is based on current information resources. Embedding the feature of searching documents with content similar to query in Hummingbird DM (originally just an experiment) has expanded the potential of this system in terms of simplicity and convenience of solving many challenges arising in the process of manipulating unstructured information within a company”.
Sergey Konov
Project Business Development Manager of White Wind Company

The amount of information available to and used by the whole society and single individuals is growing steadily. In the business sector this process is much more tangible and perceptible. Structuring information and managing the knowledge database within one company have long since become a burning issue. Without appropriate tools the cumulative knowledge resources are nothing more than scanty information, and searching the required bits and pieces in various data sources, among documents of various formats is a tedious and at times virtually insoluble problem. As a result, many documents are constantly replicated and reproduced from scratch, the knowledge gets irretrievably lost, and the efforts keep mounting.

“The search technologies delivered by the SoftInform Company (SoftInform Search Technology) and, in particular, the unique technology of searching documents with content similar to query in the best way possible fall into the pattern of corporate information systems and serve as a well coordinated complement to their functionality. This technology presents an enormous potential. Some of the basic strengths include reduced time for searching documents, solution to the problems of fuzzy informational content, consolidating information from various resources and generating a report on the similarity of documents already stored in the database, that is, detecting duplicate documents. Building one of the key features of our technology (search similar) into the information management system Hummingbird DM is just the first step in the process of integration, the primary objective of which is the creation of a comprehensive information system based on the solutions from Hummingbird and SoftInform. A system of this kind will equip any company with a streamlined solution to any “dataware” problems.

Lev Matveev
Director General of SoftInform

Hummingbird DM transforms document-type electronic information into intellectual assets on the basis of a single platform tuned specifically to the needs of a particular company. Such an approach optimizes the processes related to obtaining, exchanging, sharing and protecting corporate information resources. User queries are easily processed in the framework of the common Hummingbird DM repositories, thus allowing users to find documents and manipulate them, as well as distribute them for viewing, sharing and publishing for the purposes of project teams both within the company and among geographically distributed companies.

“We highly estimate the initiative of our official partner on expanding the potential of our documents circulation system. Tests and research prove that enhancing Hummingbird DM with the technology of searching documents with a similar content, developed and patented by the SoftInform Company, has had a positive effect on the functionality of the whole system.
As an official representative of Hummingbird Ltd. in Russia we welcome any solutions delivered by our partners that will enable our customers to broaden the range of objectives that they can tackle by means of Hummingbird. We are positive that deploying Hummingbird DM with a built-in feature of searching similar and identical documents will streamline the search procedure, perfect the whole process and cut down the time the user spends on working in the system. This solution is already utilized by a number of Russian customers with brilliant results. Upon further integration of the SoftInform Search Technology with Hummingbird software we are considering promoting this integrated solution in the world market”.

Alexei Khanzhin
Head of the Authorized Representative Office of Hummingbird in Russia, CIA and the Baltic countries

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