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Программы по запросу Бизнес и финансы (991)

$540 RUR


B-Store — программа для учета товаров на складе или торговой точке. Позволяет учитывать наличие товаров на складе, вести базу клиентов и поставщиков, оформлять приход и […]

$195.00 $


NLREG performs nonlinear regression and curve fitting. NLREG fits a mathematical function whose form you specify to a set of data values. Virtually any type […]

$800.00 $


DTREG is a powerful statistical analysis program that generates classification and regression decision trees that model data and can be used to predict values. Single-tree, […]

$0 RUR

Credit Card Verifier

Credit Card Verifier allows you instantly check all major credit cards number for validity without submitting the card number online. Credit Card Verifier can validate […]

$Free Trial


DataLinks query tool allows business and IT users to quickly and easily access their data. No ODBC, writes SQL, easiest UI on the market today […]

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