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PDF Junction

  • Адрес сайта: http://www.aquaforest.com/en/prd006.asp
  • Размер файла: 10405
  • Версия: 1.10a
  • Совместимость: Windows XP, Windows 2000, DOS
  • Размещено: 08.10.2004 00:00


Split, Merge and Secure PDF Files. PDF Junction provides a set of processing tools for PDF files, including splitting, merging, setting of security, and generation of XML metadata files. The product has both a GUI and command-line interface. Split, Merge and Secure Batches of PDF Files. PDF Junction provides a set of processing tools for PDF files, including splitting, merging, setting of security and other attributes, and generation of XML metadata files. The product has both a GUI and command-line interface.

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