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$49.90 RUR

Super Flexible File Synchronizer

  • Адрес сайта: http://www.superflexible.com
  • Размер файла: 2614
  • Версия: 2.22
  • Совместимость: Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows NT 3.51, Windows Me, Windows 9x, Linux, Unix
  • Размещено: 24.01.2005 00:00


This software defines a new standard of file synchronization. It will allow you to update (for example), your laptop and PC, or a backup storage location. Multiple profiles, FTP, secure FTP, ZIP & encryption support and a Windows NT/2000/XP Service. This software is used to back up data and to synchronize PCs, servers, and notebooks. Users can choose the user interface that suits them best: Wizard Mode or Advanced Mode. The settings are stored in multiple profiles, and the software comes with support for FTP and secure FTP servers, ZIP compression, data encryption, and a scheduler for automated backups. On Windows NT/2000/XP, or 2003 Server, the scheduler can run as a service without users having to log on. This program features the ability to freely select files and folders across the whole folder hierarchy in a tree view, and it has support for e-mail notification, profile categories, and various filters.

Version two is a major (but free) upgrade, adding the new Wizard Mode, the new SmartTracking, binary comparison, support for Unicode characters in file names, file paths as long as 32767 characters, synchronization of directory timestamps, more flexible folder masks, and much more.

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