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  • Адрес сайта: http://www.solarix.ru/index-en.shtml
  • Размер файла: 8518
  • Версия: 0.98.390
  • Совместимость: Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Me, Windows 9x
  • Размещено: 18.02.2005 00:00


Text search tool for desktops with support for English and Russian morphology Command prompt text search utility (desktop search) with open source codes for finding files that match certain criteria and performing various operations on them. It searches for files in a directory hierarchy, archives and packed file (most popular formats are supported, including ZIP, RAR, GZIP, BZIP2, TAR, 7ZIP, ARJ and some others), remote web servers (HTTP and FTP) and prints information about the files it found. Current version works with TXT (plain ASCII, utf8, utf16, a lot of available encodings including east asian), RTF, PDF, HTML, XML, MS Word DOC, Excel XLS, OpenOffice SWX documents, MP3, OggVorbis, JPEG tags. Search results can be stored in different formats including plain TXT (utf8), HTML (it looks like results page from internet search systems), XML. The search engine supports common regular expressions as well as wildcards and other text pattern matching algorithms. Boolean search (OR, AND, NOT operators) is supported. Built-in indexer has a number of options affecting the engine performance and the index database files size. Grammar engine supports the Russian, English, French and Spanish
languages morphology and syntax.

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