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Easy Mosaic 2005 Home Edition

  • Адрес сайта: http://www.ezmosaic.com
  • Размер файла: 7147
  • Версия: 1.0
  • Совместимость: Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows NT 3.51, Windows Me, Windows 9x
  • Размещено: 16.05.2005 00:00


Easy Mosaic is the leading tool help you create your own photo mosaic with your picture collections. It let you do a nice work as a professional artwork companie does Photo Mosaic is an exciting new art form made of thousands of small pictures, placed in patterns like original mosaics made of colored stones, but each cell is an actual photo.

Photo Mosaics are widely used as commercial graphics media. You might already have seen photo mosaics in commercials, magazines and other marketing media. It can be used as personal projects too, poster/yearbook/mural etc.

You can create photo mosaics with your own photo collections, simply and easily.

To learn more about the way Easy Mosaic works, outside what is explained here, or just to see how things work in practice, it is a really good idea.

The advantage of easy mosaic is that you can get a good quality mosaic without professonal skills. Well, if you have professonal skills, easy mosaic will help you to create great projects.

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