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Computerize Your Assets

  • Адрес сайта: http://www.cya2day.com
  • Размер файла: 5883
  • Версия: 2.0
  • Совместимость: Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows NT 3.51, Windows Me, Windows 9x
  • Размещено: 08.07.2005 00:00


All-In-One Home Inventory and Asset Management. Computerize Your Assets will save time, energy and frustration keeping track of your valuables. Be prepared to prove the existence and value of stolen or destroyed assets to your insurance when needed. You»re sitting on a beach and you get a phone call from your neighbor. Your house just burned down. What would you do before you started trying to get home? Do you have your insurance agents number? Oh no! you think. All my records were in a box in my closet. Now they»re gone. What will I do?
Well, if you used an All-In-One Home Inventory and Asset Management System called Computerize Your Assets, you could rest a little easier. With this system you would have a list of insurance agents and their phone numbers, a list of all the contents in your home, and phone numbers for other agencies if needed. Not only that, you could print off a report of all your insurance policies and numbers, your assets, their original costs, current valuations in the case of special items and have computerized images of all your receipts, and pictures of your assets. Now you»re prepared to deal with your disaster.
Computerize Your Assets (CYA) will have let you print reports which could be stored off site in a safe deposit box, left with your accountant, or stored at a friends or relatives house. Or, you might have a current CD of the reports kept somewhere. All you would need to do is use another computer and view or print the reports as needed. In addition, you would have regular backups of your whole CYA system — programs, files, and information, which could be loaded on another system, in the event your computer was destroyed.
In the advanced version called the Extended Edition you have even more features and flexibility. It gives you the ability to have multiple properties, such as a vacation home in the mountains or at the beach. Just like your main property, you can detail all your assets and keep everything organized by property. There is also an easy to use Estate Planning system built in where you can assign your assets to individuals or charities. Attach these reports to your Will and you will always be prepared for the unexpected.

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