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  • Адрес сайта: http://www.deltaspy.com
  • Размер файла: 2332
  • Версия: 1.6
  • Совместимость: Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows NT 3.51, Windows Me, Windows 9x
  • Размещено: 14.12.2005 00:00


Tell DeltaSpy which web sites to monitor, and how often you want these web pages searched. The program will work silently in the background, and notify you when there are changes to these important sites or blogs. View sites with changes highlighted. Check all your favorite sites for updates — as easy as checking your email.

Tell DeltaSpy which web sites to monitor, and how often you want these web pages searched. The program will work silently in the background, and notify you when sites or blogs have changed.

You can view the updated sites in DeltaSpy»s built-in browser. All of the changes are highlighted, allowing you to find them immediately, saving you hours of reading and surfing time.

You can tell DeltaSpy to ignore some portions of the selected web sites. For example, you don»t want to be notified each time a web site»s visitor count changes, or each time the site updates its date or time stamp.

Web sites are listed in an Explorer-like tree structure, making it easy to locate sites that are important to you. You can tell DeltaSpy to check a site immediately, or you can create a regular monitoring schedule. To add a new site, simply drag and drop its URL into your list of sites.

When monitoring blogs, DeltaSpy understands all of the important data formats (RSS, RDF, and Atom). DeltaSpy can even be set to monitor changes in text files that are available online.

Whether you»re a business person who needs to know about changes to your competitors» web sites, a student who needs to stay on top of a breaking news story, or a home user who wants to follow your favorite sports team or movie star, DeltaSpy makes following hundreds of web sites and blogs as simple and fast as checking your email.

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