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  • Адрес сайта: http://www.wuyuyo.com/
  • Размер файла: 1998
  • Версия: 1.0
  • Совместимость: Pocket PC
  • Размещено: 26.06.2006 00:00


WuYuYo is a software package for PocketPC devised to facilitate communication between persons who do not speak the same language, for instance when travelling abroad. It offers five true languages: Chinese, French, English, Italian and Spanish. WuYuYo is a software package for PocketPC devised to facilitate communication between persons who do not speak the same language, for instance when travelling abroad.
It offers five of the most common languages in the world: Chinese, French, English, Italian and Spanish, It comprises about 4000 phrases and sentences organised in 12 contexts, and additional functions, so as to make communication in a foreign language swift and easy.

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