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Excel Unique & Duplicate Data Remover

  • Адрес сайта: http://www.sobolsoft.com/excelunique/
  • Размер файла: 383
  • Версия: 1.2
  • Совместимость: Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Me, Windows 9x
  • Размещено: 26.06.2006 00:00


Find (search) and remove (delete) duplicate and unique entries, values, cells, records, rows, numbers in any list or table with this Excel Addin. Finding and removing duplicates and uniques will save you hours of tedious work. Find (search) and remove (delete) duplicate and unique entries, values, cells, records, rows, numbers in any Excel list or table with this Excel Addin. Simply select a block of cells and use the product to compare and eliminate all matching redundant data. The results can be placed in the selected cells themselves, in a new list next to the selection, or in a new worksheet. Features include: Remove Duplicates and Replace with Blank cells, Remove Duplicates and Remove Blank Cells, Remove Duplicates By Comparing 2 Selections, Remove Uniques and Replace with Blank Cells, Remove Uniques and Remove Blank Cells, Remove Uniques By Comparing 2 Selections

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