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Online Icon Set

  • Адрес сайта: http://www.aha-soft.com/iconlibs.htm
  • Размер файла: 1947
  • Версия: 2011.1
  • Совместимость: Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows NT 3.51, Windows Me, Windows 9x, Windows 3.x, Linux, Unix, Mac OS, Palm OS, Windows CE, Pocket PC
  • Размещено: 25.05.2007 00:00


The Aha-Soft Online icon set is an excellent set of web icons that will help you change the way your site looks. Crystal-crisp and utterly attractive, these icons will always keep your site fresh and elegant. Available in a variety of resolutions. Creation of a simple, yet functional web interface is a task equally puzzling for novices and professionals. The task becomes even more complicated when a close deadline factors in and design issues are forced to the background, giving way to functionality. Nonetheless, a functional, but unattractive application or web site will not be as popular as a site demonstrating a healthy equilibrium of features, style, user-friendliness, ease of navigation and visual appeal.

If you are building a web-based application with lots of features that require user input and active navigation, nice icons may come very handy in showing users the way to the necessary menu items, features and site areas. Designing them on your own may be a very time consuming meticulous job that may take too much time that you really don’t have. If this is the case and you are actively searching for a set of stylish Internet-related icons, make sure you don’t let the Aha-Soft Online Icon set out of your sight. The set delivers a number of rich-colored and detailed icons for any application related to online presence and actions.

The creators of Aha-Soft Online icon set have spent many an hour working on the product that was intended for the most meticulous clients. The level of detail and the exquisite look of each icon reflect the desire of the developers to provide their customers with a single option of immediately integrating the icons into the application or start using them right away. The set has been created with regard to various areas of application, which makes it utterly universal. This icon set is supplied in the following formats: BMP, ICO, PNG and GIF in sizes 16×16, 20×20, 24×24, 32×32 and 48×48 in 256 colors and 32-bit with transparency.

Let your rivals envy you, keep your customers and visitors satisfied and rest assured that the interfaces of your projects are safe with Aha-Soft icons and the team of professionals who do not simply design icons, but do it the way you want!

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