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  • Адрес сайта: http://obuchonok.ru/node/1
  • Размер файла: 1200
  • Версия: 1.0
  • Совместимость: Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Me, Windows 9x, Windows CE, Windows Vista
  • Размещено: 27.07.2012 00:00


The program is intended for the children of preschool and school age.
In the mode of testing the images of babies of various animals of the world are shown a child.
Develops photographic memory and cognitive capabilities, inoculates love to the animals. The program is intended for children of preschool and school age.
In a testing mode images of cubs various fauna are shown to the child.
Develops a visual memory and informative abilities, imparts love to fauna since the childhood.
Guessing of animals can be carried out all family, it will be pleasant to child to show the knowledge to parents.
The name of those animals which the child doesn»t know, it is possible to pronounce for the best storing and to pass test repeatedly.
The right and wrong answers, their quantity are fixed on green and red indicators respectively.
At a certain quantity of the right answers the status of the user changes.
At each answer the program notes for the child the given them correct and wrong answers in color.
At the end of dough the assessment on 5-ball system is automatically exposed.
Testing can be passed in Russian and English languages.
The aaplet takes not enough place and can be expanded additional images of animals.
Present to the child pleasant minutes of useful and developing occupation with the program.

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